Our Band
The Cazenovia Community Band is a diverse group of musicians drawn together by the love of music. Our members span a wide range of ages, skill levels and musical backgrounds. We welcome all players whether they're currently active instrumentalists, or are looking for an excuse to dust off an old horn. We play a variety of wind ensemble music from marches to show tunes and classical to contemporary. Cazenovia, NY, has had a community band of some kind for as long as we can remember, but the current membership was founded in 2010. The band is organized under and supported by the Greater Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce.
We practice on Wednesday at 7PM in the meeting hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia, NY.
Send us an email if you're interested in joining!
Our Objectives
The purposes of this organization shall be:
Present concerts for the enjoyment and cultural enrichment of the Greater Cazenovia community, surrounding areas and visitors.
Provide a venue for local citizens of all ages to improve or maintain their musical skills and perform for personal satisfaction.
To provide an opportunity for local musicians to promote musical education, exemplify the value of partnerships with other non-profit groups, and become a positive cultural influence in the community.​